Thursday, October 2, 2008

Day 14 Complete

I tried updating last night but I didn't have an internet connection. I just threw all the days together to catch up, it will resume normally with daily updates now.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Still At it

I haven't done a proper blog in a few days. Rest assured I haven't failed you all. I just haven't made a blog entry. Work, the Presidential Debate, have kept me from making a proper entry. I'll make one tonight.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Day 8 Complete

A /b/tard said every time he jacks off he seems to break out. I thought it would be the other way around since fapping relieves stress. I don't have acne myself, just a few pimples. I'll take note on if my face breaks out or clears up. Also, a bonus collage. There are some misconceptions on my chart that will be fixed next time. For example, Day 3 I had sexual dreams, Day 8 said my first sexual dream was last night. Well, Day 3 had the first sexual dreams then they went away until Day 8. And the collage is mostly about this ordeal, but also some things going through my head as well. Example: I like Hardees. And if you want sauce on the ass pic, google "Keyra Augustina".

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Day 7 Complete

Nothing else to add besides what i have in the table. Tomorrow something special will be posted with the blog, I think it will help you all understand. So I know a lot of you are trying to go along with me, maybe not for 31 days, but for at least a while. How are all of you holding up?

Actually, I changed my mind. You're right.

Strictly a blog for the experiment.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Day 6 Complete

Refer to the table below for the day's details. I think the hump is passed- but we'll know for sure in a few days. So for those of you following along with me, if you can make it a week the rest should become easier. I don't really have much to say today, partly because I'm in a rush to put this up since I'm late, due to creating some Original Content.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Day 5 Complete

Not much to report. Have I passed that "hump" I've referred to? I don't think so. I have school and a job, without those things I do not think this would be a possibly task to complete. I notice my dreams are getting a little weird, but nothing sexual.

Picture below was fucked up at first. Fixed it for the most part.

The Cause

Let's start off with this: I decided to make a blog site for this, so I can be tracked at any time. Obviously I make a thread once a night, but for those wanting to follow along, it can be easy to miss. I've created this blog about an hour before I make the Day 5 Thread. I don't want the readers to think I'm arrogant, because I'm not. This has been requested to be turned into a blog. And the motivation and encouragement from you guys made me decide to go ahead and make it. Also, something you guys should know: I'm going to try and keep the Internet Rules in mind.

Ok, so what is this exactly? I've been trying to think of the best way to state it. Let's see...this is an experiment. An experiment not many of "us" have done. I'm going to go 31 days without jacking off. I had originally had a long list of synonyms for it, but that was unnecessary. Like I say in my threads: "Obviously not all of us can go 31 days, so a few of us have decided to and report back, with news of our findings." There are rumored side effects, I'm trying to confirm/deny them. These are the effects in short, but these are just off the top of my head:

1. Last Longer
2. Higher sperm count
3. Increased Confidence
4. Increased interaction with females

Now, these are debatable. But it's all for the sake of finding out. A note on number 3: some people have said, it's not the confidence that goes up. Simply a substitution, an equivalent that has the same effects as increasing your confidence.

Some people will say 31 days isn't a long time. Well, fuck you. It IS a long time. Early on someone told me "I heard it is like quitting smoking. There is a hump to get over, and once you get over the hump it becomes easier."

Other people were attempting to do this task around the same time I started, but I haven't seen any of their threads at all. I know a few people are following along with my progress, and some have even decided to go a month as well. Well, this was the introduction post. I originally was thinking about posting a picture of myself, but then again, that's not what this is about.